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API Document



Fix some API parameters error.


Add Mobile Authenticator app relative API and error codes.


Fix FIDO2 verify api name typo.


This section provides an overview of the functionality of the AuthFi API.
The Relying Party is tasked with implementing the request and response mechanisms necessary for establishing communication with the AuthFi server.


Interacting with the API endpoints requires a valid API Key, which can be obtained from the AuthFi dashboard.
Key points to remember include:

  1. Secure Communication: The AuthFi API exclusively supports communication over HTTPS.
  2. Response Format: Responses to requests are formatted in JSON. Error responses include a "code": error_code key.
  3. Request Methods: The desired action is determined by the request method (verb). Using the GET method retrieves information from AuthFi, while using POST introduces new data.
  4. Status Codes: Each API call returns a corresponding HTTP status code. A 2XX code signifies successful execution, while 4XX or 5XX codes indicate errors from either the client or AuthFi's servers, respectively.


It is crucial to include the AT-X-KEY in the HTTP request header for all requests. Your API Key should be used as the content for this header.

Sample Code

You can explore the provided links below to access sample code that demonstrates the integration of the AuthFi API into your service:


Not Passkey

FIDO2 Security Key register

Step 1 - Register a FIDO2 Security Key


Send authenticator register parameters to AuthFi server to obtain FIDO2 Security Key register request.

If you use ATKey as Security Key

Please use following value:

"authenticatorSelection": {
    "authenticatorAttachment": "cross-platform",
    "residentKey": "required",
    "requireResidentKey": true,
    "userVerification": "required"
"attestation": "direct"
"authenticatorSelection": {
    "authenticatorAttachment": "cross-platform",
    "residentKey": "required",
    "requireResidentKey": true,
    "userVerification": "required"
"attestation": "direct"


  • API_ACCESSPOINT - string

    The API access point you receive when you apply a new RelyingParty.
    e.g. abcdefgh0123456789


Content-Type: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
  "params": {
    "user": {
      "name": "[email protected]",
      "displayName": "Foo Bar",
    "authenticatorSelection": {
      "authenticatorAttachment": "cross-platform",
      "residentKey": "preferred",
      "requireResidentKey": true,
      "userVerification": "required"
    "attestation": "direct"
  "params": {
    "user": {
      "name": "[email protected]",
      "displayName": "Foo Bar",
    "authenticatorSelection": {
      "authenticatorAttachment": "cross-platform",
      "residentKey": "preferred",
      "requireResidentKey": true,
      "userVerification": "required"
    "attestation": "direct"
interface Schema
  params: { 
    user: { 
      // User account
      name: string 

      // User name
      displayName: string 
    authenticatorSelection: {
      // Option describe authenticator type
      // 'cross-platform': For authenticator able to work on all supoort platform. Such as USB Security Key
      // 'platform': For authenticator is bundle with devices. Such as Windows Hello and iOS touchID
      authenticatorAttachment: 'cross-platform' | 'platform'

      // 'required' - authenticator must create a client side resident private key when authenticator support this feature. If authenticator not support, this will rais an error when calling navigator.credentials.create()
      // 'preferred' - authenticator will create a client side resident private key when authenticator support this feature.
      // 'discouraged' - not create client side resident private key
      residentKey: 'required' | 'preferred' | 'discouraged' 

      // When the requireResidentKey attribute is true, the authenticator must create a client side resident private key
      requireResidentKey: boolean

      // A WebAuthn Relying Party may require user verification for some of its operations but not for others, and may use this type to express its needs
      // 'required' - This value indicates that the Relying Party requires user verification for the operation and will fail the operation if the response does not have the UV flag set
      // 'preferred' - This value indicates that the Relying Party prefers user verification for the operation if possible, but will not fail the operation if the response does not have the UV flag set
      // 'discouraged' - This value indicates that the Relying Party does not want user verification employed during the operation (e.g., in the interest of minimizing disruption to the user interaction flow)
      userVerification: 'required' | 'preferred' | 'discouraged' 
    // Relying Parties may use AttestationConveyancePreference to specify their preference regarding attestation conveyance during credential generation
    // 'none': This value indicates that the Relying Party is not interested in authenticator attestation
    // 'indirect': This value indicates that the Relying Party prefers an attestation conveyance yielding verifiable attestation statements, but allows the client to decide how to obtain such attestation statements. The client MAY replace the authenticator-generated attestation statements with attestation statements generated by an Anonymization CA, in order to protect the user’s privacy, or to assist Relying Parties with attestation verification in a heterogeneous ecosystem
    // 'direct': This value indicates that the Relying Party wants to receive the attestation statement as generated by the authenticator
    attestation: 'none' | 'indirect' | 'direct' 
interface Schema
  params: { 
    user: { 
      // User account
      name: string 

      // User name
      displayName: string 
    authenticatorSelection: {
      // Option describe authenticator type
      // 'cross-platform': For authenticator able to work on all supoort platform. Such as USB Security Key
      // 'platform': For authenticator is bundle with devices. Such as Windows Hello and iOS touchID
      authenticatorAttachment: 'cross-platform' | 'platform'

      // 'required' - authenticator must create a client side resident private key when authenticator support this feature. If authenticator not support, this will rais an error when calling navigator.credentials.create()
      // 'preferred' - authenticator will create a client side resident private key when authenticator support this feature.
      // 'discouraged' - not create client side resident private key
      residentKey: 'required' | 'preferred' | 'discouraged' 

      // When the requireResidentKey attribute is true, the authenticator must create a client side resident private key
      requireResidentKey: boolean

      // A WebAuthn Relying Party may require user verification for some of its operations but not for others, and may use this type to express its needs
      // 'required' - This value indicates that the Relying Party requires user verification for the operation and will fail the operation if the response does not have the UV flag set
      // 'preferred' - This value indicates that the Relying Party prefers user verification for the operation if possible, but will not fail the operation if the response does not have the UV flag set
      // 'discouraged' - This value indicates that the Relying Party does not want user verification employed during the operation (e.g., in the interest of minimizing disruption to the user interaction flow)
      userVerification: 'required' | 'preferred' | 'discouraged' 
    // Relying Parties may use AttestationConveyancePreference to specify their preference regarding attestation conveyance during credential generation
    // 'none': This value indicates that the Relying Party is not interested in authenticator attestation
    // 'indirect': This value indicates that the Relying Party prefers an attestation conveyance yielding verifiable attestation statements, but allows the client to decide how to obtain such attestation statements. The client MAY replace the authenticator-generated attestation statements with attestation statements generated by an Anonymization CA, in order to protect the user’s privacy, or to assist Relying Parties with attestation verification in a heterogeneous ecosystem
    // 'direct': This value indicates that the Relying Party wants to receive the attestation statement as generated by the authenticator
    attestation: 'none' | 'indirect' | 'direct' 

Response 200

Content-Type: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
  "code": 0,
  "fido_register_request": {
    "rp": {
      "id": "",
      "name": "example website"
    "user": {
      "id": "abcdef0123456789",
      "name": "[email protected]",
      "displayName": "Foo Bar"
    "challenge": "abcdef0123456789",
    "pubKeyCredParams": [
        "type": "public-key",
        "alg": -7
    "timeout": 900000,
    "excludeCredentials": [
        "type": "public-key",
        "id": "abcdef0123456789"
    "extensions": {},
    "authenticatorSelection": {
      "authenticatorAttachment": "cross-platform",
      "residentKey": "preferred",
      "requireResidentKey": true,
      "userVerification": "required"
    "attestation": "direct"
  "code": 0,
  "fido_register_request": {
    "rp": {
      "id": "",
      "name": "example website"
    "user": {
      "id": "abcdef0123456789",
      "name": "[email protected]",
      "displayName": "Foo Bar"
    "challenge": "abcdef0123456789",
    "pubKeyCredParams": [
        "type": "public-key",
        "alg": -7
    "timeout": 900000,
    "excludeCredentials": [
        "type": "public-key",
        "id": "abcdef0123456789"
    "extensions": {},
    "authenticatorSelection": {
      "authenticatorAttachment": "cross-platform",
      "residentKey": "preferred",
      "requireResidentKey": true,
      "userVerification": "required"
    "attestation": "direct"
interface Schema
  // API result status code
  code: number
  fido_register_request: {
    rp: {
      // RP domain name
      id: string

      // website name
      name: string
    user: {
      // base64-url format user ID byte array source
      id: string

      // User account. Usually email format
      name: string

      // User name
      displayName: string
    // base64-url format display byte array source
    challenge: string
    pubKeyCredParams: {
      // Defines the valid credential types
      type: 'public-key'

      // COSE Algorithms registry
      alg: number
    // This member specifies a time, in milliseconds, that the caller is willing to wait for the call to complete
    timeout: number
    excludeCredentials: {
      // Defines the valid credential types
      type: 'public-key'

      // Credential ID in UTF8 string type
      id: string
    // This member contains additional parameters requesting additional processing by the client and authenticator
    extensions: { [x: string]: any }
    authenticatorSelection: {
      // Option describe authenticator type
      // 'cross-platform': For authenticator able to work on all supoort platform. Such as USB Security Key
      // 'platform': For authenticator is bundle with devices. Such as Windows Hello and iOS touchID
      authenticatorAttachment: 'cross-platform' | 'platform'

      // 'required' - authenticator must create a client side resident private key when authenticator support this feature. If authenticator not support, this will rais an error when calling navigator.credentials.create()
      // 'preferred' - authenticator will create a client side resident private key when authenticator support this feature
      // 'discouraged' - not create client side resident private key
      residentKey: 'required' | 'preferred' | 'discouraged'

      // When the requireResidentKey attribute is true, the authenticator must create a client side resident private key
      requireResidentKey: boolean

      // A WebAuthn Relying Party may require user verification for some of its operations but not for others, and may use this type to express its needs
      // 'required' - This value indicates that the Relying Party requires user verification for the operation and will fail the operation if the response does not have the UV flag set
      // 'preferred' - This value indicates that the Relying Party prefers user verification for the operation if possible, but will not fail the operation if the response does not have the UV flag set
      // 'discouraged' - This value indicates that the Relying Party does not want user verification employed during the operation (e.g., in the interest of minimizing disruption to the user interaction flow)
      userVerification: 'required' | 'preferred' | 'discouraged'
    // Relying Parties may use AttestationConveyancePreference to specify their preference regarding attestation conveyance during credential generation
    // 'none': This value indicates that the Relying Party is not interested in authenticator attestation
    // 'indirect': This value indicates that the Relying Party prefers an attestation conveyance yielding verifiable attestation statements, but allows the client to decide how to obtain such attestation statements. The client MAY replace the authenticator-generated attestation statements with attestation statements generated by an Anonymization CA, in order to protect the user’s privacy, or to assist Relying Parties with attestation verification in a heterogeneous ecosystem
    // 'direct': This value indicates that the Relying Party wants to receive the attestation statement as generated by the authenticator
    attestation: 'none' | 'indirect' | 'direct'
interface Schema
  // API result status code
  code: number
  fido_register_request: {
    rp: {
      // RP domain name
      id: string

      // website name
      name: string
    user: {
      // base64-url format user ID byte array source
      id: string

      // User account. Usually email format
      name: string

      // User name
      displayName: string
    // base64-url format display byte array source
    challenge: string
    pubKeyCredParams: {
      // Defines the valid credential types
      type: 'public-key'

      // COSE Algorithms registry
      alg: number
    // This member specifies a time, in milliseconds, that the caller is willing to wait for the call to complete
    timeout: number
    excludeCredentials: {
      // Defines the valid credential types
      type: 'public-key'

      // Credential ID in UTF8 string type
      id: string
    // This member contains additional parameters requesting additional processing by the client and authenticator
    extensions: { [x: string]: any }
    authenticatorSelection: {
      // Option describe authenticator type
      // 'cross-platform': For authenticator able to work on all supoort platform. Such as USB Security Key
      // 'platform': For authenticator is bundle with devices. Such as Windows Hello and iOS touchID
      authenticatorAttachment: 'cross-platform' | 'platform'

      // 'required' - authenticator must create a client side resident private key when authenticator support this feature. If authenticator not support, this will rais an error when calling navigator.credentials.create()
      // 'preferred' - authenticator will create a client side resident private key when authenticator support this feature
      // 'discouraged' - not create client side resident private key
      residentKey: 'required' | 'preferred' | 'discouraged'

      // When the requireResidentKey attribute is true, the authenticator must create a client side resident private key
      requireResidentKey: boolean

      // A WebAuthn Relying Party may require user verification for some of its operations but not for others, and may use this type to express its needs
      // 'required' - This value indicates that the Relying Party requires user verification for the operation and will fail the operation if the response does not have the UV flag set
      // 'preferred' - This value indicates that the Relying Party prefers user verification for the operation if possible, but will not fail the operation if the response does not have the UV flag set
      // 'discouraged' - This value indicates that the Relying Party does not want user verification employed during the operation (e.g., in the interest of minimizing disruption to the user interaction flow)
      userVerification: 'required' | 'preferred' | 'discouraged'
    // Relying Parties may use AttestationConveyancePreference to specify their preference regarding attestation conveyance during credential generation
    // 'none': This value indicates that the Relying Party is not interested in authenticator attestation
    // 'indirect': This value indicates that the Relying Party prefers an attestation conveyance yielding verifiable attestation statements, but allows the client to decide how to obtain such attestation statements. The client MAY replace the authenticator-generated attestation statements with attestation statements generated by an Anonymization CA, in order to protect the user’s privacy, or to assist Relying Parties with attestation verification in a heterogeneous ecosystem
    // 'direct': This value indicates that the Relying Party wants to receive the attestation statement as generated by the authenticator
    attestation: 'none' | 'indirect' | 'direct'

Step 2 - Register FIDO2 Security Key Attestation response to server


Receive FIDO request from AuthFi server and return to client, so client browser send request to FIDO2 Security Key, then get FIDO2 response and update to AuthFi server.


  • API_ACCESSPOINT - string

    The API access point you receive when you apply a new RelyingParty.
    e.g. abcdefgh0123456789


Content-Type: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
  "fido_register_response": {
    "id": "abcdef0123456789",
    "rawId": "abcdef0123456789",
    "type": "public-key",
    "response": {
      "attestationObject": "abcdef0123456789",
      "clientDataJSON": "abcdef0123456789",
  "fido_register_response": {
    "id": "abcdef0123456789",
    "rawId": "abcdef0123456789",
    "type": "public-key",
    "response": {
      "attestationObject": "abcdef0123456789",
      "clientDataJSON": "abcdef0123456789",
interface Schema
  fido_register_response: {
    // base64-url format string of credential ID byte array. This should equal to base64-url encode rawId content. Response from authenticator
    id: string

    // base64-url format string of credential ID byte array. Response from authenticator. Need convert by client web or server
    rawId: string

    // Defines the valid credential types
    type: 'public-key'
  response: {
    // base64-url format string of attestationObject byte array. Response from authenticator. Need convert by client web or server
    attestationObject: string

    // base64-url format string of clientDataJSON byte array. Response from authenticator. Need convert by client web or server
    clientDataJSON: string
interface Schema
  fido_register_response: {
    // base64-url format string of credential ID byte array. This should equal to base64-url encode rawId content. Response from authenticator
    id: string

    // base64-url format string of credential ID byte array. Response from authenticator. Need convert by client web or server
    rawId: string

    // Defines the valid credential types
    type: 'public-key'
  response: {
    // base64-url format string of attestationObject byte array. Response from authenticator. Need convert by client web or server
    attestationObject: string

    // base64-url format string of clientDataJSON byte array. Response from authenticator. Need convert by client web or server
    clientDataJSON: string

Response 201

Content-Type: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
  "code": 0,
  "uid": "abcdef0123456789",
  "key_info": {
    "credential_id": "abcdef0123456789",
    "counter": 1,
    "name": "",
    "create_time": 12345,
    "update_time": 12345
  "code": 0,
  "uid": "abcdef0123456789",
  "key_info": {
    "credential_id": "abcdef0123456789",
    "counter": 1,
    "name": "",
    "create_time": 12345,
    "update_time": 12345
interface Schema
  // API result status code
  code: number

  // base64-url format user ID byte array source
  uid: string
  key_info: {
    // human readable ID string to identify credential in security key
    credential_id: string

    // counter for FIDO2 authentication
    counter: number

    // Human easily readble name to identify Security Key
    name: string
    // UTC time when the credential was create
    create_time: number

    // UTC time when the information in credential was update
    update_time: number
interface Schema
  // API result status code
  code: number

  // base64-url format user ID byte array source
  uid: string
  key_info: {
    // human readable ID string to identify credential in security key
    credential_id: string

    // counter for FIDO2 authentication
    counter: number

    // Human easily readble name to identify Security Key
    name: string
    // UTC time when the credential was create
    create_time: number

    // UTC time when the information in credential was update
    update_time: number

Passwordless logon - include Passkey

Step 1 - Login with a FIDO2 Security Key


Send authenticator login parameters to AuthFi server to obtain FIDO2 Security Key login request.


  • API_ACCESSPOINT - string

    The API access point you receive when you apply a new RelyingParty.
    e.g. abcdefgh0123456789

Request sample (application/json)

  "params": {
    "userVerification": "required"
  "params": {
    "userVerification": "required"
interface Schema
  params: {
    // A WebAuthn Relying Party may require user verification for some of its operations but not for others, and may use this type to express its needs
    // 'required' - This value indicates that the Relying Party requires user verification for the operation and will fail the operation if the response does not have the UV flag set
    // 'preferred' - This value indicates that the Relying Party prefers user verification for the operation if possible, but will not fail the operation if the response does not have the UV flag set
    // 'discouraged' - This value indicates that the Relying Party does not want user verification employed during the operation (e.g., in the interest of minimizing disruption to the user interaction flow)
    userVerification: 'required' | 'preferred' | 'discouraged'
interface Schema
  params: {
    // A WebAuthn Relying Party may require user verification for some of its operations but not for others, and may use this type to express its needs
    // 'required' - This value indicates that the Relying Party requires user verification for the operation and will fail the operation if the response does not have the UV flag set
    // 'preferred' - This value indicates that the Relying Party prefers user verification for the operation if possible, but will not fail the operation if the response does not have the UV flag set
    // 'discouraged' - This value indicates that the Relying Party does not want user verification employed during the operation (e.g., in the interest of minimizing disruption to the user interaction flow)
    userVerification: 'required' | 'preferred' | 'discouraged'

Response 200 (application/json)

  "code": 0,
  "fido_login_request": {
    "challenge": "abcdef0123456789",
    "timeout": 900000,
    "rpId": "",
    "allowCredentials": [],
    "userVerification": "required",
    "extensions": {}
  "code": 0,
  "fido_login_request": {
    "challenge": "abcdef0123456789",
    "timeout": 900000,
    "rpId": "",
    "allowCredentials": [],
    "userVerification": "required",
    "extensions": {}
interface Schema
  // API result status code
  code: number
  fido_login_request: {
    // base64-url format display byte array source
    challenge: string

    // This member specifies a time, in milliseconds, that the caller is willing to wait for the call to complete
    timeout: number,

    // RP domain name
    rpId: string
    allowCredentials: {
      // Defines the valid credential types
      type: 'public-key'

      // Credential ID in UTF8 string type
      id: string

    // A WebAuthn Relying Party may require user verification for some of its operations but not for others, and may use this type to express its needs
    // 'required' - This value indicates that the Relying Party requires user verification for the operation and will fail the operation if the response does not have the UV flag set
    // 'preferred' - This value indicates that the Relying Party prefers user verification for the operation if possible, but will not fail the operation if the response does not have the UV flag set
    // 'discouraged' - This value indicates that the Relying Party does not want user verification employed during the operation (e.g., in the interest of minimizing disruption to the user interaction flow)
    userVerification: 'required' | 'preferred' | 'discouraged'

    // This member contains additional parameters requesting additional processing by the client and authenticator
    extensions: { [x: string]: any }
interface Schema
  // API result status code
  code: number
  fido_login_request: {
    // base64-url format display byte array source
    challenge: string

    // This member specifies a time, in milliseconds, that the caller is willing to wait for the call to complete
    timeout: number,

    // RP domain name
    rpId: string
    allowCredentials: {
      // Defines the valid credential types
      type: 'public-key'

      // Credential ID in UTF8 string type
      id: string

    // A WebAuthn Relying Party may require user verification for some of its operations but not for others, and may use this type to express its needs
    // 'required' - This value indicates that the Relying Party requires user verification for the operation and will fail the operation if the response does not have the UV flag set
    // 'preferred' - This value indicates that the Relying Party prefers user verification for the operation if possible, but will not fail the operation if the response does not have the UV flag set
    // 'discouraged' - This value indicates that the Relying Party does not want user verification employed during the operation (e.g., in the interest of minimizing disruption to the user interaction flow)
    userVerification: 'required' | 'preferred' | 'discouraged'

    // This member contains additional parameters requesting additional processing by the client and authenticator
    extensions: { [x: string]: any }

Step 2 - Login Authentication response to server


Receive FIDO request from AuthFi server and return to client, so client browser send request to FIDO2 Security Key, then get FIDO2 response and update to AuthFi server.


  • API_ACCESSPOINT - string

    The API access point you receive when you apply a new RelyingParty.
    e.g. abcdefgh0123456789


Content-Type: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
  "fido_login_response": {
    "id": "abcdef0123456789",
    "rawId": "abcdef0123456789",
    "type": "public-key",
    "response": {
      "authenticatorData": "abcdef0123456789",
      "signature": "abcdef0123456789",
      "userHandle": "abcdef0123456789",
      "clientDataJSON": "abcdef0123456789"
    "getClientExtensionResults": {}
  "fido_login_response": {
    "id": "abcdef0123456789",
    "rawId": "abcdef0123456789",
    "type": "public-key",
    "response": {
      "authenticatorData": "abcdef0123456789",
      "signature": "abcdef0123456789",
      "userHandle": "abcdef0123456789",
      "clientDataJSON": "abcdef0123456789"
    "getClientExtensionResults": {}
interface Schema
  fido_login_response: {
    // base64-url format string of credential ID byte array. This should equal to base64-url encode rawId content. Response from authenticator
    id: string

    // base64-url format string of credential ID byte array. Response from authenticator. Need convert by client web or server
    rawId: string
    // Defines the valid credential types
    type: 'public-key'
    response: {
      // base64-url format string of authenticatorData byte array. Response from authenticator. Need convert by client web or server
      authenticatorData: string

      // base64-url format string of signature byte array. Response from authenticator. Need convert by client web or server
      signature: string
      // base64-url format string of userHandle byte array. Response from authenticator. Need convert by client web or server. In some case value will be null object
      userHandle: string
      // base64-url format string of clientDataJSON byte array. Response from authenticator. Need convert by client web or server
      clientDataJSON: string
    // content with FIDO2 extions
    getClientExtensionResults: { [x: string]: any }
interface Schema
  fido_login_response: {
    // base64-url format string of credential ID byte array. This should equal to base64-url encode rawId content. Response from authenticator
    id: string

    // base64-url format string of credential ID byte array. Response from authenticator. Need convert by client web or server
    rawId: string
    // Defines the valid credential types
    type: 'public-key'
    response: {
      // base64-url format string of authenticatorData byte array. Response from authenticator. Need convert by client web or server
      authenticatorData: string

      // base64-url format string of signature byte array. Response from authenticator. Need convert by client web or server
      signature: string
      // base64-url format string of userHandle byte array. Response from authenticator. Need convert by client web or server. In some case value will be null object
      userHandle: string
      // base64-url format string of clientDataJSON byte array. Response from authenticator. Need convert by client web or server
      clientDataJSON: string
    // content with FIDO2 extions
    getClientExtensionResults: { [x: string]: any }

Response 200

Content-Type: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
  "code": 0,
  "user": {
    "id": "abcdef0123456789",
    "name": "[email protected]"
  "key_info": {
    "credential_id": "abcdef0123456789",
    "counter": 1,
    "name": "",
    "create_time": 12345,
    "update_time": 12345
  "code": 0,
  "user": {
    "id": "abcdef0123456789",
    "name": "[email protected]"
  "key_info": {
    "credential_id": "abcdef0123456789",
    "counter": 1,
    "name": "",
    "create_time": 12345,
    "update_time": 12345
interface Schema
  // API result status code
  code: number,
  user: {
    // base64-url format user ID byte array source
    id: string

    // User account. Usually email format
    name: string
  key_info: {
    // human readable ID string to identify credential in security key
    credential_id: string

    // counter for FIDO2 authentication
    counter: number

    // Human easily readble name to identify Security Key
    name: string,
    // UTC time when the credential was create
    create_time: number

    // UTC time when the information in credential was update
    update_time: number
interface Schema
  // API result status code
  code: number,
  user: {
    // base64-url format user ID byte array source
    id: string

    // User account. Usually email format
    name: string
  key_info: {
    // human readable ID string to identify credential in security key
    credential_id: string

    // counter for FIDO2 authentication
    counter: number

    // Human easily readble name to identify Security Key
    name: string,
    // UTC time when the credential was create
    create_time: number

    // UTC time when the information in credential was update
    update_time: number

MFA - include Passkey

Step 1 - Identity Verify with FIDO2 Device


Get FIDO2 authentication request from AuthFi server for specific user.


  • API_ACCESSPOINT - string

    The API access point you receive when you apply a new RelyingParty.
    e.g. abcdefgh0123456789

Request sample (applicatoin/json)

  "uId": "[email protected]",
  "params": {
    "userVerification": "required"
  "uId": "[email protected]",
  "params": {
    "userVerification": "required"
interface Schema
  // User account. Usually email format
  uId: string
  params: {
    // A WebAuthn Relying Party may require user verification for some of its operations but not for others, and may use this type to express its needs
    // 'required' - This value indicates that the Relying Party requires user verification for the operation and will fail the operation if the response does not have the UV flag set
    // 'preferred' - This value indicates that the Relying Party prefers user verification for the operation if possible, but will not fail the operation if the response does not have the UV flag set
    // 'discouraged' - This value indicates that the Relying Party does not want user verification employed during the operation (e.g., in the interest of minimizing disruption to the user interaction flow)
    userVerification: 'required' | 'preferred' | 'discouraged'
interface Schema
  // User account. Usually email format
  uId: string
  params: {
    // A WebAuthn Relying Party may require user verification for some of its operations but not for others, and may use this type to express its needs
    // 'required' - This value indicates that the Relying Party requires user verification for the operation and will fail the operation if the response does not have the UV flag set
    // 'preferred' - This value indicates that the Relying Party prefers user verification for the operation if possible, but will not fail the operation if the response does not have the UV flag set
    // 'discouraged' - This value indicates that the Relying Party does not want user verification employed during the operation (e.g., in the interest of minimizing disruption to the user interaction flow)
    userVerification: 'required' | 'preferred' | 'discouraged'

Response 200 (application/json)

  "code": 0,
  "fido_auth_request": {
    "challenge": "abcdef0123456789",
    "timeout": 12345,
    "rpId": "",
    "allowCredentials": [
        "type": "public-key",
        "id": "abcdef0123456789"
    "userVerification": "required",
    "extensions": {}
  "code": 0,
  "fido_auth_request": {
    "challenge": "abcdef0123456789",
    "timeout": 12345,
    "rpId": "",
    "allowCredentials": [
        "type": "public-key",
        "id": "abcdef0123456789"
    "userVerification": "required",
    "extensions": {}
interface Schema
  // API result status code
  code: number,
  fido_auth_request: {
    // base64-url format display byte array source
    challenge: string

    // This member specifies a time, in milliseconds, that the caller is willing to wait for the call to complete
    timeout: number

    // RP domain name
    rpId: string
    allowCredentials: {
      // Defines the valid credential types
      type: 'public-key'

      // Credential ID in UTF8 string type
      id: string
    // A WebAuthn Relying Party may require user verification for some of its operations but not for others, and may use this type to express its needs
    // 'required' - This value indicates that the Relying Party requires user verification for the operation and will fail the operation if the response does not have the UV flag set
    // 'preferred' - This value indicates that the Relying Party prefers user verification for the operation if possible, but will not fail the operation if the response does not have the UV flag set
    // 'discouraged' - This value indicates that the Relying Party does not want user verification employed during the operation (e.g., in the interest of minimizing disruption to the user interaction flow)
    userVerification: 'required' | 'preferred' | 'discouraged'

    // This member contains additional parameters requesting additional processing by the client and authenticator
    extensions: { [x: string]: any }
interface Schema
  // API result status code
  code: number,
  fido_auth_request: {
    // base64-url format display byte array source
    challenge: string

    // This member specifies a time, in milliseconds, that the caller is willing to wait for the call to complete
    timeout: number

    // RP domain name
    rpId: string
    allowCredentials: {
      // Defines the valid credential types
      type: 'public-key'

      // Credential ID in UTF8 string type
      id: string
    // A WebAuthn Relying Party may require user verification for some of its operations but not for others, and may use this type to express its needs
    // 'required' - This value indicates that the Relying Party requires user verification for the operation and will fail the operation if the response does not have the UV flag set
    // 'preferred' - This value indicates that the Relying Party prefers user verification for the operation if possible, but will not fail the operation if the response does not have the UV flag set
    // 'discouraged' - This value indicates that the Relying Party does not want user verification employed during the operation (e.g., in the interest of minimizing disruption to the user interaction flow)
    userVerification: 'required' | 'preferred' | 'discouraged'

    // This member contains additional parameters requesting additional processing by the client and authenticator
    extensions: { [x: string]: any }

Step 2 - Identity Verify Authentication response to server


After passing FIDO2 request to Security Key and receive FIDO2 response.
Send FIDO2 response back to AuthFi server to finish verifying identity.


  • API_ACCESSPOINT - string

    The API access point you receive when you apply a new RelyingParty.
    e.g. abcdefgh0123456789

Request sample (applicatoin/json)

  "fido_auth_response": {
    "id": "abcdef0123456789",
    "rawId": "abcdef0123456789",
    "type": "public-key",
    "response": {
      "authenticatorData": "abcdef0123456789",
      "signature": "abcdef0123456789",
      "userHandle": "abcdef0123456789",
      "clientDataJSON": "abcdef0123456789"
    "getClientExtensionResults": {}
  "fido_auth_response": {
    "id": "abcdef0123456789",
    "rawId": "abcdef0123456789",
    "type": "public-key",
    "response": {
      "authenticatorData": "abcdef0123456789",
      "signature": "abcdef0123456789",
      "userHandle": "abcdef0123456789",
      "clientDataJSON": "abcdef0123456789"
    "getClientExtensionResults": {}
interface Schema
  fido_auth_response: {
    // base64-url format string of credential ID byte array. This should equal to base64-url encode rawId content. Response from authenticator
    id: string

    // base64-url format string of credential ID byte array. Response from authenticator. Need convert by client web or server
    rawId: string

    // Defines the valid credential types
    type: 'public-key'
    response: {
      // base64-url format string of authenticatorData byte array. Response from authenticator. Need convert by client web or server
      authenticatorData: string

      // base64-url format string of signature byte array. Response from authenticator. Need convert by client web or server
      signature: string

      // base64-url format string of userHandle byte array. Response from authenticator. Need convert by client web or server. In some case value will be null object
      userHandle: string

      // base64-url format string of clientDataJSON byte array. Response from authenticator. Need convert by client web or server
      clientDataJSON: string

    // content with FIDO2 extions
    getClientExtensionResults: { [x: string]: any }
interface Schema
  fido_auth_response: {
    // base64-url format string of credential ID byte array. This should equal to base64-url encode rawId content. Response from authenticator
    id: string

    // base64-url format string of credential ID byte array. Response from authenticator. Need convert by client web or server
    rawId: string

    // Defines the valid credential types
    type: 'public-key'
    response: {
      // base64-url format string of authenticatorData byte array. Response from authenticator. Need convert by client web or server
      authenticatorData: string

      // base64-url format string of signature byte array. Response from authenticator. Need convert by client web or server
      signature: string

      // base64-url format string of userHandle byte array. Response from authenticator. Need convert by client web or server. In some case value will be null object
      userHandle: string

      // base64-url format string of clientDataJSON byte array. Response from authenticator. Need convert by client web or server
      clientDataJSON: string

    // content with FIDO2 extions
    getClientExtensionResults: { [x: string]: any }

Response 200 (application/json)

  "code": 0,
  "uid": "abcdef0123456789",
  "key_info": {
    "credential_id": "VGhpcyBpcyBhIGV4YW1wbGUgSUQ",
    "counter": 1,
    "name": "KeyA",
    "create_time": 12345,
    "update_time": 12345
  "code": 0,
  "uid": "abcdef0123456789",
  "key_info": {
    "credential_id": "VGhpcyBpcyBhIGV4YW1wbGUgSUQ",
    "counter": 1,
    "name": "KeyA",
    "create_time": 12345,
    "update_time": 12345
interface Schema
  // API result status code
  code: number

  // base64-url format user ID byte array source
  uid: string
  key_info: {
    // human readable ID string to identify credential in security key
    credential_id: string

    // counter for FIDO2 authentication
    counter: number

    // Human easily readble name to identify Security Key
    name: string

    // UTC time when the credential was create
    create_time: number

    // UTC time when the information in credential was update
    update_time: number
interface Schema
  // API result status code
  code: number

  // base64-url format user ID byte array source
  uid: string
  key_info: {
    // human readable ID string to identify credential in security key
    credential_id: string

    // counter for FIDO2 authentication
    counter: number

    // Human easily readble name to identify Security Key
    name: string

    // UTC time when the credential was create
    create_time: number

    // UTC time when the information in credential was update
    update_time: number


Get register user list


Get registered user information from AuthFi.


  • API_ACCESSPOINT - string

    The API access point you receive when you apply a new RelyingParty.
    e.g. abcdefgh0123456789

  • page - number (optional)

    Page index of query informations.
    e.g. 1

  • size - number (optional)

    Records max size of response array, range from 20 to 100, default is 20.
    e.g. 20

Response 200

Content-Type: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
  "code": 0,
  "total": 1,
  "users": [
      "id": "abcdef0123456789",
      "name": "[email protected]",
      "state": "activate",
      "create_time": 12345,
      "update_time": 12345
  "code": 0,
  "total": 1,
  "users": [
      "id": "abcdef0123456789",
      "name": "[email protected]",
      "state": "activate",
      "create_time": 12345,
      "update_time": 12345
interface Schema
  // API result status code
  code: number

  // Number of register users
  total: number
  users: {
    // User ID in AuthFi server
    id: string

    // User name
    name: string

    // User status of permission use FIDO2 authentication
    state: 'activate' | 'suspend'

    // UTC time when user information registered on AuthFi
    create_time: number
    // UTC time when user information updated on AuthFi
    update_time: number
interface Schema
  // API result status code
  code: number

  // Number of register users
  total: number
  users: {
    // User ID in AuthFi server
    id: string

    // User name
    name: string

    // User status of permission use FIDO2 authentication
    state: 'activate' | 'suspend'

    // UTC time when user information registered on AuthFi
    create_time: number
    // UTC time when user information updated on AuthFi
    update_time: number

Change target user state


Change user status with activate and suspend to allowed or to blocked user to use FIDO2 authentication.


  • API_ACCESSPOINT - string

    The API access point you receive when you apply a new RelyingParty.
    e.g. abcdefgh0123456789

  • userId - string

    The user ID stored in AuthFi server.
    e.g. abcdefgh0123456789

Request sample (application/json)

  "state": "activate"
  "state": "activate"
interface Schema
  // New status for user
  status: 'activate' | 'suspend'
interface Schema
  // New status for user
  status: 'activate' | 'suspend'

Response 200

Content-Type: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
  "code": 0,
  "user": {
    "id": "abcdef0123456789",
    "name": "[email protected]",
    "state": "activate",
    "create_time": 12345,
    "update_time": 12345
  "code": 0,
  "user": {
    "id": "abcdef0123456789",
    "name": "[email protected]",
    "state": "activate",
    "create_time": 12345,
    "update_time": 12345
interface Schema
  // API result status code
  code: number
  user: {
    // User ID in AuthFi server
    id: string

    // User name
    name: string

    // User status of permission use FIDO2 authentication
    state: 'activate' | 'suspend'

    // UTC time when user information registered on AuthFi
    create_time: number

    // UTC time when user information updated on AuthFi
    update_time: number
interface Schema
  // API result status code
  code: number
  user: {
    // User ID in AuthFi server
    id: string

    // User name
    name: string

    // User status of permission use FIDO2 authentication
    state: 'activate' | 'suspend'

    // UTC time when user information registered on AuthFi
    create_time: number

    // UTC time when user information updated on AuthFi
    update_time: number

Delete target user


To delete a registered user and all user registered keys.


  • API_ACCESSPOINT - string

    The API access point you receive when you apply a new RelyingParty.
    e.g. abcdefgh0123456789

  • userId - string

    The user ID stored in AuthFi server.
    e.g. abcdefgh0123456789

Response 200 (application/json)

  "code": 0,
  "deleteUser": {
    "id": "abcdef0123456789",
    "name": "[email protected]"
  "deleteUserRegisterKeys": 1
  "code": 0,
  "deleteUser": {
    "id": "abcdef0123456789",
    "name": "[email protected]"
  "deleteUserRegisterKeys": 1
interface Schema
  // API result status code
  code: number
  deleteUser: {
    // User ID in AuthFi server
    id: string

    // User name
    name: string

  // Number of delete user register keys was deleted
  deleteUserRegisterKeys: number
interface Schema
  // API result status code
  code: number
  deleteUser: {
    // User ID in AuthFi server
    id: string

    // User name
    name: string

  // Number of delete user register keys was deleted
  deleteUserRegisterKeys: number

Get a user registered key information


Get all user registered security keys information.


  • API_ACCESSPOINT - string

    The API access point you receive when you apply a new RelyingParty.
    e.g. abcdefgh0123456789

  • userId - string

    The user ID from AuthFi server.
    e.g. abcdefgh0123456789

Response 200 (applicatoin/json)

  "code": 0,
  "total": 1,
  "keys": [
      "credential_id": "abcdef0123456789",
      "counter": 1,
      "name": "KeyA",
      "create_time": 12345,
      "update_time": 12345
  "code": 0,
  "total": 1,
  "keys": [
      "credential_id": "abcdef0123456789",
      "counter": 1,
      "name": "KeyA",
      "create_time": 12345,
      "update_time": 12345
interface Schema
  // API result status code
  code: number

  // key count, max size 10
  total: number
  keys: {
    // human readable ID string to identify credential in security key
    credential_id: string

    // counter for FIDO2 authentication
    counter: number

    // Human easily readble name to identify Security Key
    name: string

    // UTC time when the credential was create
    create_time: number

    // UTC time when the information in credential was update
    update_time: number
interface Schema
  // API result status code
  code: number

  // key count, max size 10
  total: number
  keys: {
    // human readable ID string to identify credential in security key
    credential_id: string

    // counter for FIDO2 authentication
    counter: number

    // Human easily readble name to identify Security Key
    name: string

    // UTC time when the credential was create
    create_time: number

    // UTC time when the information in credential was update
    update_time: number

Set a friendly name to register security key


Set a easily readable name to identify different key.


  • API_ACCESSPOINT - string

    The API access point you receive when you apply a new RelyingParty.
    e.g. abcdefgh0123456789

  • userId - string

    The user ID from AuthFi server.
    e.g. abcdefgh0123456789

  • id - string

    The Credential ID from AuthFi server.
    e.g. abcdefgh0123456789

Request sample (application/json)

  "name": "New key name"
  "name": "New key name"
interface Schema
  // for human friendly reading to specify securty key
  name: string
interface Schema
  // for human friendly reading to specify securty key
  name: string

Response 200 (application/json)

  "code": 0,
  "key_info": {
    "credential_id": "VGhpcyBpcyBhIGV4YW1wbGUgSUQ",
    "counter": 1,
    "name": "New key name",
    "create_time": 12345,
    "update_time": 12345
  "code": 0,
  "key_info": {
    "credential_id": "VGhpcyBpcyBhIGV4YW1wbGUgSUQ",
    "counter": 1,
    "name": "New key name",
    "create_time": 12345,
    "update_time": 12345
interface Schema
  // API result status code
  code: number,
  key_info: {
    // human readable ID string to identify credential in security key
    credential_id: string

    // counter for FIDO2 authentication
    counter: number

    // Human easily readble name to identify Security Key
    name: string

    // UTC time when the credential was create
    create_time: number

    // UTC time when the information in credential was update
    update_time: number
interface Schema
  // API result status code
  code: number,
  key_info: {
    // human readable ID string to identify credential in security key
    credential_id: string

    // counter for FIDO2 authentication
    counter: number

    // Human easily readble name to identify Security Key
    name: string

    // UTC time when the credential was create
    create_time: number

    // UTC time when the information in credential was update
    update_time: number

Delete a user registered security key


Delete a registered security key.


  • API_ACCESSPOINT - string

    The API access point you receive when you apply a new RelyingParty.
    e.g. abcdefgh0123456789

  • userId - string

    The user ID from AuthFi server.
    e.g. abcdefgh0123456789

  • id - string

    The Credential ID from AuthFi server.
    e.g. abcdefgh0123456789

Response 200 (application/json)

  "code": 0,
  "deleteKeys": 1
  "code": 0,
  "deleteKeys": 1
interface Schema
  // API result status code
  code: number
  // delete register keys count
  deleteKeys: number
interface Schema
  // API result status code
  code: number
  // delete register keys count
  deleteKeys: number

Non-Passkey Mobile App API

Get a QRCode for register with authenticator app


Get a QRCode to display on PC browser side for registration with authenticator app (e.g. AT.AuthFi Authenticator).


  • API_ACCESSPOINT - string

    The API access point you receive when you apply a new RelyingParty.
    e.g. abcdefgh0123456789

Request sample

Content-Type: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
  "params": {
    "user": "[email protected]",
    "path": "/PATH_NAME/HTML_FILE_NAME_or_API_NAME_for_getting_html_texts"
  "params": {
    "user": "[email protected]",
    "path": "/PATH_NAME/HTML_FILE_NAME_or_API_NAME_for_getting_html_texts"
interface Schema
  params: {
    // The user email to register with authenticator app
    user: string

    // The path to access mobile register page, ex: /app/register.html
    path: string
interface Schema
  params: {
    // The user email to register with authenticator app
    user: string

    // The path to access mobile register page, ex: /app/register.html
    path: string

Response 201

Content-Type: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
  "code": 0,
  "token": "abcdef0123456789",
  "image": "abcdef0123456789",
  "expire_at": 12345
  "code": 0,
  "token": "abcdef0123456789",
  "image": "abcdef0123456789",
  "expire_at": 12345
interface Schema
  // API result status code
  code: number

  // QRCode ID
  token: string

  // base64 form string to present QRCode in PNG image file
  image: string
  // UTC time value in future that QRCode will expire
  expire_at: number
interface Schema
  // API result status code
  code: number

  // QRCode ID
  token: string

  // base64 form string to present QRCode in PNG image file
  image: string
  // UTC time value in future that QRCode will expire
  expire_at: number

Poll authenticator app register result


Get authenticator app register result on PC browser side.


  • API_ACCESSPOINT - string

    The API access point you receive when you apply a new RelyingParty.
    e.g. abcdefgh0123456789

  • token - string

    The QRCode token from AuthFi server.
    e.g. abcdefgh0123456789

Response 200

Content-Type: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
  "code": 0,
  "app_result": 1
  "code": 0,
  "app_result": 1
interface Schema
  // API result status code
  code: number

  // authenticator app registration result
  // 0: authenticator register success
  // 1: wait for authenticator app to finish register
  // 2: authenticator register fail
  app_result: 0 | 1 | 2
interface Schema
  // API result status code
  code: number

  // authenticator app registration result
  // 0: authenticator register success
  // 1: wait for authenticator app to finish register
  // 2: authenticator register fail
  app_result: 0 | 1 | 2

Step 1 - Register with authenticator app


Send authenticator register parameters to AuthFi server to obtain FIDO2 Security Key register request.

If you use authenticator app as Security Key

Please use following value:

authenticatorSelection: {
    "authenticatorAttachment": "platform",
    "requireResidentKey": true,
    "userVerification": "preferred"
attestation: "direct"
authenticatorSelection: {
    "authenticatorAttachment": "platform",
    "requireResidentKey": true,
    "userVerification": "preferred"
attestation: "direct"


  • API_ACCESSPOINT - string

    The API access point you receive when you apply a new RelyingParty.
    e.g. abcdefgh0123456789


Content-Type: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
  "params": {
    "token": "abcdef0123456789",
    "user": {
      "name": "[email protected]",
      "displayName": "Foo Bar"
    "authenticatorSelection": {
      "authenticatorAttachment": "platform",
      "requireResidentKey": true,
      "userVerification": "preferred"
    "attestation": "direct"
  "params": {
    "token": "abcdef0123456789",
    "user": {
      "name": "[email protected]",
      "displayName": "Foo Bar"
    "authenticatorSelection": {
      "authenticatorAttachment": "platform",
      "requireResidentKey": true,
      "userVerification": "preferred"
    "attestation": "direct"
interface Schema
  params: {
    // QRCode ID
    token: string
    user: {
      // User account
      name: string

      // User name
      displayName: string
    authenticatorSelection: {
      // Option describe authenticator type
      // 'cross-platform': For authenticator able to work on all supoort platform. Such as USB Security Key
      // 'platform': For authenticator is bundle with devices. Such as Windows Hello and iOS touchID
      authenticatorAttachment: 'cross-platform' | 'platform'

      //  When the requireResidentKey attribute is true, the authenticator must create a client side resident private key
      requireResidentKey: boolean

      // A WebAuthn Relying Party may require user verification for some of its operations but not for others, and may use this type to express its needs
      // 'required' - This value indicates that the Relying Party requires user verification for the operation and will fail the operation if the response does not have the UV flag set
      // 'preferred' - This value indicates that the Relying Party prefers user verification for the operation if possible, but will not fail the operation if the response does not have the UV flag set
      // 'discouraged' - This value indicates that the Relying Party does not want user verification employed during the operation (e.g., in the interest of minimizing disruption to the user interaction flow)
      userVerification: 'required' | 'preferred' | 'discouraged'
    // Relying Parties may use AttestationConveyancePreference to specify their preference regarding attestation conveyance during credential generation
    // 'none': This value indicates that the Relying Party is not interested in authenticator attestation
    // 'indirect': This value indicates that the Relying Party prefers an attestation conveyance yielding verifiable attestation statements, but allows the client to decide how to obtain such attestation statements. The client MAY replace the authenticator-generated attestation statements with attestation statements generated by an Anonymization CA, in order to protect the user’s privacy, or to assist Relying Parties with attestation verification in a heterogeneous ecosystem
    // 'direct': This value indicates that the Relying Party wants to receive the attestation statement as generated by the authenticator
    attestation: 'none' | 'indirect' | 'direct'
interface Schema
  params: {
    // QRCode ID
    token: string
    user: {
      // User account
      name: string

      // User name
      displayName: string
    authenticatorSelection: {
      // Option describe authenticator type
      // 'cross-platform': For authenticator able to work on all supoort platform. Such as USB Security Key
      // 'platform': For authenticator is bundle with devices. Such as Windows Hello and iOS touchID
      authenticatorAttachment: 'cross-platform' | 'platform'

      //  When the requireResidentKey attribute is true, the authenticator must create a client side resident private key
      requireResidentKey: boolean

      // A WebAuthn Relying Party may require user verification for some of its operations but not for others, and may use this type to express its needs
      // 'required' - This value indicates that the Relying Party requires user verification for the operation and will fail the operation if the response does not have the UV flag set
      // 'preferred' - This value indicates that the Relying Party prefers user verification for the operation if possible, but will not fail the operation if the response does not have the UV flag set
      // 'discouraged' - This value indicates that the Relying Party does not want user verification employed during the operation (e.g., in the interest of minimizing disruption to the user interaction flow)
      userVerification: 'required' | 'preferred' | 'discouraged'
    // Relying Parties may use AttestationConveyancePreference to specify their preference regarding attestation conveyance during credential generation
    // 'none': This value indicates that the Relying Party is not interested in authenticator attestation
    // 'indirect': This value indicates that the Relying Party prefers an attestation conveyance yielding verifiable attestation statements, but allows the client to decide how to obtain such attestation statements. The client MAY replace the authenticator-generated attestation statements with attestation statements generated by an Anonymization CA, in order to protect the user’s privacy, or to assist Relying Parties with attestation verification in a heterogeneous ecosystem
    // 'direct': This value indicates that the Relying Party wants to receive the attestation statement as generated by the authenticator
    attestation: 'none' | 'indirect' | 'direct'

Response 200

Content-Type: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
  "code": 0,
  "fido_register_request": {
    "rp": {
      "id": "",
      "name": "example website"
    "user": {
      "id": "abcdef0123456789",
      "name": "[email protected]",
      "displayName": "Foo Bar"
    "challenge": "abcdef0123456789",
    "pubKeyCredParams": [
        "type": "public-key",
        "alg": -7
    "timeout": 900000,
    "excludeCredentials": [
        "type": "public-key",
        "id": "abcdef0123456789"
    "extensions": {},
    "authenticatorSelection": {
      "authenticatorAttachment": "platform",
      "requireResidentKey": true,
      "userVerification": "preferred"
    "attestation": "direct"
  "code": 0,
  "fido_register_request": {
    "rp": {
      "id": "",
      "name": "example website"
    "user": {
      "id": "abcdef0123456789",
      "name": "[email protected]",
      "displayName": "Foo Bar"
    "challenge": "abcdef0123456789",
    "pubKeyCredParams": [
        "type": "public-key",
        "alg": -7
    "timeout": 900000,
    "excludeCredentials": [
        "type": "public-key",
        "id": "abcdef0123456789"
    "extensions": {},
    "authenticatorSelection": {
      "authenticatorAttachment": "platform",
      "requireResidentKey": true,
      "userVerification": "preferred"
    "attestation": "direct"
interface Schema
  // API result status code
  code: number
  fido_register_request: {
    rp: {
      // RP domain name
      id: string

      //  website name
      name: string
    user: {
      // base64-url format user ID byte array source
      id: string

      // User account. Usually email format
      name: string

      // User name.
      displayName: string
    // base64-url format display byte array source
    challenge: string,
    pubKeyCredParams: {
      // Defines the valid credential types
      type: 'public-key'

      // COSE Algorithms registry
      alg: number
    // This member specifies a time, in milliseconds, that the caller is willing to wait for the call to complete
    timeout: number
    excludeCredentials: {
      // Defines the valid credential types
      type: 'public-key'

      // Credential ID in UTF8 string type
      id: string
    // This member contains additional parameters requesting additional processing by the client and authenticator
    extensions: { [x: string]: any }
    authenticatorSelection: {
      // Option describe authenticator type
      // 'cross-platform': For authenticator able to work on all supoort platform. Such as USB Security Key
      // 'platform': For authenticator is bundle with devices. Such as Windows Hello and iOS touchID
      authenticatorAttachment: 'cross-platform' | 'platform'

      // When the requireResidentKey attribute is true, the authenticator must create a client side resident private key
      requireResidentKey: boolean
      // A WebAuthn Relying Party may require user verification for some of its operations but not for others, and may use this type to express its needs
      // 'required' - This value indicates that the Relying Party requires user verification for the operation and will fail the operation if the response does not have the UV flag set
      // 'preferred' - This value indicates that the Relying Party prefers user verification for the operation if possible, but will not fail the operation if the response does not have the UV flag set
      // 'discouraged' - This value indicates that the Relying Party does not want user verification employed during the operation (e.g., in the interest of minimizing disruption to the user interaction flow)
      userVerification: 'required' | 'preferred' | 'discouraged'
    // Relying Parties may use AttestationConveyancePreference to specify their preference regarding attestation conveyance during credential generation
    // 'none': This value indicates that the Relying Party is not interested in authenticator attestation
    // 'indirect': This value indicates that the Relying Party prefers an attestation conveyance yielding verifiable attestation statements, but allows the client to decide how to obtain such attestation statements. The client MAY replace the authenticator-generated attestation statements with attestation statements generated by an Anonymization CA, in order to protect the user’s privacy, or to assist Relying Parties with attestation verification in a heterogeneous ecosystem
    // 'direct': This value indicates that the Relying Party wants to receive the attestation statement as generated by the authenticator
    attestation: 'none' | 'indirect' | 'direct'
interface Schema
  // API result status code
  code: number
  fido_register_request: {
    rp: {
      // RP domain name
      id: string

      //  website name
      name: string
    user: {
      // base64-url format user ID byte array source
      id: string

      // User account. Usually email format
      name: string

      // User name.
      displayName: string
    // base64-url format display byte array source
    challenge: string,
    pubKeyCredParams: {
      // Defines the valid credential types
      type: 'public-key'

      // COSE Algorithms registry
      alg: number
    // This member specifies a time, in milliseconds, that the caller is willing to wait for the call to complete
    timeout: number
    excludeCredentials: {
      // Defines the valid credential types
      type: 'public-key'

      // Credential ID in UTF8 string type
      id: string
    // This member contains additional parameters requesting additional processing by the client and authenticator
    extensions: { [x: string]: any }
    authenticatorSelection: {
      // Option describe authenticator type
      // 'cross-platform': For authenticator able to work on all supoort platform. Such as USB Security Key
      // 'platform': For authenticator is bundle with devices. Such as Windows Hello and iOS touchID
      authenticatorAttachment: 'cross-platform' | 'platform'

      // When the requireResidentKey attribute is true, the authenticator must create a client side resident private key
      requireResidentKey: boolean
      // A WebAuthn Relying Party may require user verification for some of its operations but not for others, and may use this type to express its needs
      // 'required' - This value indicates that the Relying Party requires user verification for the operation and will fail the operation if the response does not have the UV flag set
      // 'preferred' - This value indicates that the Relying Party prefers user verification for the operation if possible, but will not fail the operation if the response does not have the UV flag set
      // 'discouraged' - This value indicates that the Relying Party does not want user verification employed during the operation (e.g., in the interest of minimizing disruption to the user interaction flow)
      userVerification: 'required' | 'preferred' | 'discouraged'
    // Relying Parties may use AttestationConveyancePreference to specify their preference regarding attestation conveyance during credential generation
    // 'none': This value indicates that the Relying Party is not interested in authenticator attestation
    // 'indirect': This value indicates that the Relying Party prefers an attestation conveyance yielding verifiable attestation statements, but allows the client to decide how to obtain such attestation statements. The client MAY replace the authenticator-generated attestation statements with attestation statements generated by an Anonymization CA, in order to protect the user’s privacy, or to assist Relying Parties with attestation verification in a heterogeneous ecosystem
    // 'direct': This value indicates that the Relying Party wants to receive the attestation statement as generated by the authenticator
    attestation: 'none' | 'indirect' | 'direct'

Step 2 - Register with authenticator app


Receive FIDO request from AuthFi server and return to client, so authenticator app send request to FIDO2 Security Key, then get FIDO2 response and update to AuthFi server.


  • API_ACCESSPOINT - string

    The API access point you receive when you apply a new RelyingParty.
    e.g. abcdefgh0123456789


Content-Type: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
  "token": "abcdef0123456789",
  "fido_register_response": {
    "id": "abcdef0123456789",
    "rawId": "abcdef0123456789",
    "type": "public-key",
    "response": {
      "attestationObject": "abcdef0123456789",
      "clientDataJSON": "abcdef0123456789",
  "token": "abcdef0123456789",
  "fido_register_response": {
    "id": "abcdef0123456789",
    "rawId": "abcdef0123456789",
    "type": "public-key",
    "response": {
      "attestationObject": "abcdef0123456789",
      "clientDataJSON": "abcdef0123456789",
interface Schema
  // QRCode ID
  token: string
  fido_register_response: {
    // base64-url format string of credential ID byte array. This should equal to base64-url encode rawId content. Response from authenticator
    id: string

    // base64-url format string of credential ID byte array. Response from authenticator. Need convert by client web or server
    rawId: string
    // Defines the valid credential types
    type: 'public-key'
    response: {
      // base64-url format string of attestationObject byte array. Response from authenticator. Need convert by client web or server
      attestationObject: string

      // base64-url format string of clientDataJSON byte array. Response from authenticator. Need convert by client web or server
      clientDataJSON: string
interface Schema
  // QRCode ID
  token: string
  fido_register_response: {
    // base64-url format string of credential ID byte array. This should equal to base64-url encode rawId content. Response from authenticator
    id: string

    // base64-url format string of credential ID byte array. Response from authenticator. Need convert by client web or server
    rawId: string
    // Defines the valid credential types
    type: 'public-key'
    response: {
      // base64-url format string of attestationObject byte array. Response from authenticator. Need convert by client web or server
      attestationObject: string

      // base64-url format string of clientDataJSON byte array. Response from authenticator. Need convert by client web or server
      clientDataJSON: string

Response 201

Content-Type: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
  "code": 0,
  "uid": "abcdef0123456789",
  "key_info": {
    "credential_id": "abcdef0123456789",
    "counter": 1,
    "name": "",
    "create_time": 12345,
    "update_time": 12345
  "code": 0,
  "uid": "abcdef0123456789",
  "key_info": {
    "credential_id": "abcdef0123456789",
    "counter": 1,
    "name": "",
    "create_time": 12345,
    "update_time": 12345
interface Schema
  // API result status code
  code: number

  // base64-url format user ID byte array source
  uid: string
  key_info: {
    // human readable ID string to identify credential in security key
    credential_id: string

    // counter for FIDO2 authentication
    counter: number

    // Human easily readble name to identify Security Key
    name: string

    // UTC time when the credential was create
    create_time: number

    // UTC time when the information in credential was update
    update_time: number
interface Schema
  // API result status code
  code: number

  // base64-url format user ID byte array source
  uid: string
  key_info: {
    // human readable ID string to identify credential in security key
    credential_id: string

    // counter for FIDO2 authentication
    counter: number

    // Human easily readble name to identify Security Key
    name: string

    // UTC time when the credential was create
    create_time: number

    // UTC time when the information in credential was update
    update_time: number

Get just registered user name


For authenticator app to get register user name for display on main menu.


  • API_ACCESSPOINT - string

    The API access point you receive when you apply a new RelyingParty.
    e.g. abcdefgh0123456789

  • token - string

    The QRCode token from AuthFi server.
    e.g. abcdefgh0123456789

Response 200

Content-Type: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
  "code": 0,
  "account": "[email protected]"
  "code": 0,
  "account": "[email protected]"
interface Schema
  // API result status code
  code: number

  // User account. Usually email format
  account: string
interface Schema
  // API result status code
  code: number

  // User account. Usually email format
  account: string

Get a QRCode for verify with authenticator app


On PC browser to get a QRCode for authenticator app to scan for FIDO authentication.


  • API_ACCESSPOINT - string

    The API access point you receive when you apply a new RelyingParty.
    e.g. abcdefgh0123456789


Content-Type: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
  "params": {
    "path": "/PATH_NAME/HTML_FILE_NAME_or_API_NAME_for_getting_html_texts"
  "params": {
    "path": "/PATH_NAME/HTML_FILE_NAME_or_API_NAME_for_getting_html_texts"
interface Schema
  params: {
    // The path to access mobile verify page, ex: /app/verify.html
    path: string
interface Schema
  params: {
    // The path to access mobile verify page, ex: /app/verify.html
    path: string

Response 201

Content-Type: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
  "code": 0,
  "token": "abcdef0123456789",
  "image": "abcdef0123456789",
  "expire_at": 12345
  "code": 0,
  "token": "abcdef0123456789",
  "image": "abcdef0123456789",
  "expire_at": 12345
interface Schema
  // API result status code
  code: number

  // QRCode ID
  token: string

  // base64 form string to present QRCode in PNG image file
  image: string
  // UTC time value in future that QRCode will expire
  expire_at: number
interface Schema
  // API result status code
  code: number

  // QRCode ID
  token: string

  // base64 form string to present QRCode in PNG image file
  image: string
  // UTC time value in future that QRCode will expire
  expire_at: number

Poll authenticator app verify result


On PC browser to get authenticator app verify result.


  • API_ACCESSPOINT - string

    The API access point you receive when you apply a new RelyingParty.
    e.g. abcdefgh0123456789

  • token - string

    The QRCode token from AuthFi server.
    e.g. abcdefgh0123456789

Response 200

Content-Type: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
  "code": 0,
  "app_result": 1
  "code": 0,
  "app_result": 1
interface Schema
  // API result status code
  code: number

  // authenticator app registration result
  // 0: authenticator register success
  // 1: wait for authenticator app to finish register
  // 2: authenticator register fail
  app_result: 0 | 1 | 2
interface Schema
  // API result status code
  code: number

  // authenticator app registration result
  // 0: authenticator register success
  // 1: wait for authenticator app to finish register
  // 2: authenticator register fail
  app_result: 0 | 1 | 2

Step 1 - Verify with authenticator app


For authenticator app to get FIDO2 authentication request from AuthFi server for specific user.


  • API_ACCESSPOINT - string

    The API access point you receive when you apply a new RelyingParty.
    e.g. abcdefgh0123456789


Content-Type: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
  "uId": "[email protected]",
  "token": "abcdef0123456789",
  "params": {
    "userVerification": "preferred"
  "uId": "[email protected]",
  "token": "abcdef0123456789",
  "params": {
    "userVerification": "preferred"
interface Schema
  // User account. Usually email format
  uId: string

  // QRCode ID
  token: string
  params: {
    // A WebAuthn Relying Party may require user verification for some of its operations but not for others, and may use this type to express its needs
    // 'required' - This value indicates that the Relying Party requires user verification for the operation and will fail the operation if the response does not have the UV flag set
    // 'preferred' - This value indicates that the Relying Party prefers user verification for the operation if possible, but will not fail the operation if the response does not have the UV flag set
    // 'discouraged' - This value indicates that the Relying Party does not want user verification employed during the operation (e.g., in the interest of minimizing disruption to the user interaction flow)
    userVerification: 'required' | 'preferred' | 'discouraged'
interface Schema
  // User account. Usually email format
  uId: string

  // QRCode ID
  token: string
  params: {
    // A WebAuthn Relying Party may require user verification for some of its operations but not for others, and may use this type to express its needs
    // 'required' - This value indicates that the Relying Party requires user verification for the operation and will fail the operation if the response does not have the UV flag set
    // 'preferred' - This value indicates that the Relying Party prefers user verification for the operation if possible, but will not fail the operation if the response does not have the UV flag set
    // 'discouraged' - This value indicates that the Relying Party does not want user verification employed during the operation (e.g., in the interest of minimizing disruption to the user interaction flow)
    userVerification: 'required' | 'preferred' | 'discouraged'

Response 200

Content-Type: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
  "code": 0,
  "fido_auth_request": {
    "challenge": "abcdef0123456789",
    "timeout": 12345,
    "rpId": "",
    "allowCredentials": [
        "type": "public-key",
        "id": "abcdef0123456789"
    "userVerification": "preferred",
    "extensions": {}
  "code": 0,
  "fido_auth_request": {
    "challenge": "abcdef0123456789",
    "timeout": 12345,
    "rpId": "",
    "allowCredentials": [
        "type": "public-key",
        "id": "abcdef0123456789"
    "userVerification": "preferred",
    "extensions": {}
interface Schema
  // API result status code
  code: number
  fido_auth_request: {
    // base64-url format display byte array source
    challenge: string

    // This member specifies a time, in milliseconds, that the caller is willing to wait for the call to complete
    timeout: number

    // RP domain name
    rpId: string
    allowCredentials: {
      // Defines the valid credential types
      type: 'public-key'

      // Credential ID in UTF8 string type
      id: string
    // A WebAuthn Relying Party may require user verification for some of its operations but not for others, and may use this type to express its needs
    // 'required' - This value indicates that the Relying Party requires user verification for the operation and will fail the operation if the response does not have the UV flag set
    // 'preferred' - This value indicates that the Relying Party prefers user verification for the operation if possible, but will not fail the operation if the response does not have the UV flag set
    // 'discouraged' - This value indicates that the Relying Party does not want user verification employed during the operation (e.g., in the interest of minimizing disruption to the user interaction flow)
    userVerification: 'required' | 'preferred' | 'discouraged'

    // This member contains additional parameters requesting additional processing by the client and authenticator.
    extensions: { [x: string]: any }
interface Schema
  // API result status code
  code: number
  fido_auth_request: {
    // base64-url format display byte array source
    challenge: string

    // This member specifies a time, in milliseconds, that the caller is willing to wait for the call to complete
    timeout: number

    // RP domain name
    rpId: string
    allowCredentials: {
      // Defines the valid credential types
      type: 'public-key'

      // Credential ID in UTF8 string type
      id: string
    // A WebAuthn Relying Party may require user verification for some of its operations but not for others, and may use this type to express its needs
    // 'required' - This value indicates that the Relying Party requires user verification for the operation and will fail the operation if the response does not have the UV flag set
    // 'preferred' - This value indicates that the Relying Party prefers user verification for the operation if possible, but will not fail the operation if the response does not have the UV flag set
    // 'discouraged' - This value indicates that the Relying Party does not want user verification employed during the operation (e.g., in the interest of minimizing disruption to the user interaction flow)
    userVerification: 'required' | 'preferred' | 'discouraged'

    // This member contains additional parameters requesting additional processing by the client and authenticator.
    extensions: { [x: string]: any }

Step 2 - Verify with authenticator app


After passing FIDO2 request to authenticator app and receive FIDO2 response.
Send FIDO2 response back to AuthFi server to finish verifying identity.


  • API_ACCESSPOINT - string

    The API access point you receive when you apply a new RelyingParty.
    e.g. abcdefgh0123456789


Content-Type: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
  "token": "abcdef0123456789",
  "fido_auth_response": {
    "id": "abcdef0123456789",
    "rawId": "abcdef0123456789",
    "type": "public-key",
    "response": {
      "authenticatorData": "abcdef0123456789",
      "signature": "abcdef0123456789",
      "userHandle": "abcdef0123456789",
      "clientDataJSON": "abcdef0123456789"
    "getClientExtensionResults": {}
  "token": "abcdef0123456789",
  "fido_auth_response": {
    "id": "abcdef0123456789",
    "rawId": "abcdef0123456789",
    "type": "public-key",
    "response": {
      "authenticatorData": "abcdef0123456789",
      "signature": "abcdef0123456789",
      "userHandle": "abcdef0123456789",
      "clientDataJSON": "abcdef0123456789"
    "getClientExtensionResults": {}
interface Schema
  // QRCode ID
  token: string
  fido_auth_response: {
    // base64-url format string of credential ID byte array. This should equal to base64-url encode rawId content. Response from authenticator
    id: string

    // base64-url format string of credential ID byte array. Response from authenticator. Need convert by client web or server
    rawId: string

    // Defines the valid credential types
    type: 'public-key'
    response: {
      // base64-url format string of authenticatorData byte array. Response from authenticator. Need convert by client web or server
      authenticatorData: string

      // base64-url format string of signature byte array. Response from authenticator. Need convert by client web or server
      signature: string
      // base64-url format string of userHandle byte array. Response from authenticator. Need convert by client web or server. In some case value will be null object
      userHandle: string

      // base64-url format string of clientDataJSON byte array. Response from authenticator. Need convert by client web or server
      clientDataJSON: string
    // content with FIDO2 extions
    getClientExtensionResults: { [x: string]: any }
interface Schema
  // QRCode ID
  token: string
  fido_auth_response: {
    // base64-url format string of credential ID byte array. This should equal to base64-url encode rawId content. Response from authenticator
    id: string

    // base64-url format string of credential ID byte array. Response from authenticator. Need convert by client web or server
    rawId: string

    // Defines the valid credential types
    type: 'public-key'
    response: {
      // base64-url format string of authenticatorData byte array. Response from authenticator. Need convert by client web or server
      authenticatorData: string

      // base64-url format string of signature byte array. Response from authenticator. Need convert by client web or server
      signature: string
      // base64-url format string of userHandle byte array. Response from authenticator. Need convert by client web or server. In some case value will be null object
      userHandle: string

      // base64-url format string of clientDataJSON byte array. Response from authenticator. Need convert by client web or server
      clientDataJSON: string
    // content with FIDO2 extions
    getClientExtensionResults: { [x: string]: any }

Response 200

Content-Type: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
  "code": 0,
  "uid": "abcdef0123456789",
  "key_info": {
    "credential_id": "VGhpcyBpcyBhIGV4YW1wbGUgSUQ",
    "counter": 1,
    "name": "KeyA",
    "create_time": 12345,
    "update_time": 12345
  "code": 0,
  "uid": "abcdef0123456789",
  "key_info": {
    "credential_id": "VGhpcyBpcyBhIGV4YW1wbGUgSUQ",
    "counter": 1,
    "name": "KeyA",
    "create_time": 12345,
    "update_time": 12345
interface Schema
  // API result status code
  code: number

  // base64-url format user ID byte array source
  uid: string
  key_info: {
    // human readable ID string to identify credential in security key
    credential_id: string

    // counter for FIDO2 authentication
    counter: number

    // Human easily readble name to identify Security Key
    name: string

    // UTC time when the credential was create
    create_time: number

    // UTC time when the information in credential was update
    update_time: number
interface Schema
  // API result status code
  code: number

  // base64-url format user ID byte array source
  uid: string
  key_info: {
    // human readable ID string to identify credential in security key
    credential_id: string

    // counter for FIDO2 authentication
    counter: number

    // Human easily readble name to identify Security Key
    name: string

    // UTC time when the credential was create
    create_time: number

    // UTC time when the information in credential was update
    update_time: number